* Solves a linear Diophantine equation of the form: <code>ax + by = c</code>
* @param {number} a Coefficient for <code>x</code>
* @param {number} b Coefficient for <code>y</code>
* @param {number} c Right-side constant
* @returns {Solution} An object with all the result values.
const dioSolve = (a, b, c) => {
// ax + by = c
const defaultReturn = { z: null, m: null, p: null, g: null, solutionType: 'error' }
const swap = b > a
if (swap) [a, b] = [b, a]
const signs = [Math.sign(a), Math.sign(b)]
;[a, b] = [Math.abs(a), Math.abs(b)]
const { g, steps } = gcd(a, b)
if (g === 0 && c === 0) return { ...defaultReturn, g, solutionType: 'always-true' }
if ((c / g) % 1 !== 0) return { ...defaultReturn, g, solutionType: 'none' }
if (a === 0 || b === 0) {
const i = Number((a === 0) ^ swap)
let z = [null, null]
z[i] = c / g
return { ...defaultReturn, z, g, solutionType: 'unique' }
// Normalize equation
;[a, b, c] = [a / g, b / g, c / g]
// Get quotients from gcd calculation steps
const q = steps.map(([a, b]) => Math.floor(a / b))
let Ai1 = 0
let Ai0 = 1
for (let i = 1; i < q.length; i++) {
;[Ai0, Ai1] = [Ai0 * q[i] + Ai1, Ai0]
const sign = (-1) ** q.length
let [y0, x0] = [Ai0 * -sign * signs[1], Ai1 * sign * signs[0]]
let mx = signs[0] * b
let my = -signs[1] * a
if (swap) [mx, my, x0, y0] = [my, mx, y0, x0]
// Coefficients
const m = [mx, my]
// Scale solution back to c
const z = [x0, y0].map((v) => v * c)
// Offset x0 and y0 to be of the same sign as the m-coefficients
const n = [0, 1].map((i) => Math.floor(z[i] / m[i]))
const nMax = n[Number(Math.abs(n[1]) > Math.abs(n[0]))]
const p = [0, 1].map((i) => z[i] - nMax * m[i])
return {
solutionType: 'linear',
* @typedef {Object} GCD
* @property {number} g Value of <code>GCD(a,b)</code>
* @property {Array} steps Steps of the Euclidian algorithm, last step first: <code>[[an, bn], ..., [a0, b0]]</code>
* Finds the Greatest Common Divisor of <code>a</code> and <code>b</code> using the Euclidian algorithm
* @param {number} a Integer
* @param {number} b Integer
* @returns {GCD} An object with properties <code>g</code> (gcd value) and <code>steps</code> (steps of the Euclidian algorithm)
const gcd = (a, b) => {
if (a === 0) return { g: b, steps: [] }
if (b === 0) return { g: a, steps: [] }
const r = a % b
if (r === 0) return { g: Math.abs(b), steps: [[a, b]] }
const { g, steps } = gcd(b, r)
steps.push([a, b])
return { g, steps }
* @typedef {Object} Solution
* @property {SolutionType} solutionType Type of solution found, see <code>{@link SolutionType}</code> for more information.
* @property {number|null} g Value of <code>GCD(a,b)</code>, <code>null</code> if error.
* @property {(Array|null)} z Initial solution <code>[x<sub>0</sub>, y<sub>0</sub>]</code> found using the Euclidean algorithm when solution is linear, <code>[x<sub>0</sub>, null]</code> or <code>[null, y<sub>0</sub>]</code> when solution is unique, else <code>null</code>.
* @property {Array|null} m Slope coefficients <code>[m<sub>x</sub>, m<sub>y</sub>]</code> when solution is linear, else <code>null</code>.
* @property {Array|null} p Intercepts <code>[p<sub>x</sub>, p<sub>y</sub>]</code> when solution is linear, else <code>null</code>.
* Enum for solution type values.
* @readonly
* @enum {string}
const SolutionType = {
/** <code>'linear'</code> – Solutions are <code>x = m<sub>x</sub>n + p<sub>x</sub></code>, <code>y = m<sub>y</sub>n + p<sub>y</sub></code> */
Linear: 'linear',
/** <code>'unique'</code> – When <code>a</code> or <code>b</code> is <code>0</code>, if a solution exists it's unique, e.g. <code>5x + 0y = 15</code> <code>=></code> solution is <code>x = 3</code> */
Unique: 'unique',
/** <code>'always-true'</code> – Values of <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> don't matter, e.g. <code>0x + 0y = 0</code> */
AlwaysTrue: 'always-true',
/** <code>'none'</code> – No solution, e.g. <code>8x + 6y = 1</code> */
None: 'none',
/** <code>'error'</code> – Something went wrong */
Error: 'error',
module.exports = { dioSolve, SolutionType, gcd }